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School Seal and Song

The School Seal
The Northfield seal is a blue and maroon escutcheon bordered in gold and diagonally divided into two. The upper left side, which is in navy blue, features an indigenous boat called vinta. Above the vinta are three stars.
The vinta stands for PAREF and the school, while the three stars represent the parents, teachers, and the students. The lower right side, which is in maroon, shows an anchor. It keeps the boat from drifting and represents the philosophy on which the school was founded
The School Motto
Under the escutcheon is the school motto, “Fortuna Favet Fortibus”.
It is a classical Latin phrase from the great poet Ovid which means “Fortune Favors the Brave”. The motto exhorts the Northfield family to be strong and brave in its efforts to achieve its goal and mission.
It is perfect for Northfield, because our school is for the brave- one who is not afraid to face the challenges of the future, and who, despite seemingly insurmountable odds, is undaunted and willing to take risks because of a strong belief in his inherent powers as a MAN, coupled with a solid confidence in Divine Providence. The motto is not only for the students but for everyone in the Northfield family who wishes to make a difference – a difference in his personal life, family, community, and as far as his influence can reach. When it becomes a personal motto, Northfield hopes that its educative and formative values, like ripples in the sea, will reach and positively affect more and more people.
The School Song
(Cantus Scholae Northfieldensis)
Traditional academic hymn; adapted for PAREF Northfield School
Latin Text
Gaudeamus igitur, Iuvenes dum sumus.
Gaudeamus igitur, Iuvenes dum sumus.
Post iucundam iuventutem,
Post molestam senectutem,
Nos habebit humus.
Nos habebit caelum.
Vivat academia!
Vivant professores!
Vivat academia!
Vivant professores!
Vivat membrum quodlibet.
Vivant membra quaelibet.
Semper sint in flore!
Semper sint in flore!
Alma Mater floreat,
Quae nos educavit!
Northfildensis floreat, Quae nos educavit!
Fortuna favet fortibus.
Caros et commilitones,
Sparsos congregavit.
Sparsos congregavit.
English Translation
Let us rejoice, therefore,
While we are young.
Let us rejoice, therefore,
While we are young.
After a pleasant youth,
After a troubling old age,
The earth will have us.
Heaven will have us.
Long live the academy!
Long live the professors!
Long live the academy!
Long live the professors!
Long live each student.
Long live all the members.
Forever may they flourish!
Forever may they flourish!
May our Alma Mater flourish,
She who has taught us!
May Northfield flourish,
She who has taught us!
Fortune favors the brave.
Our dear ones and comrades,
Scattered, she congregated.
Scattered, she congregated.