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The academic formation in Northfield is a fundamental component of the formation program. The academic formation focuses on the development of the students’ professional skills and attitudes deemed critical for continuous learning. Academic studies is viewed as a means to develop in the students the meaning of work as essential to being human and a means to develop human virtues like study, order, industriousness, etc.
Grade School Goals
The basic skills developed in Grade school are:
- Communication Skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. These are honed in both English and Filipino.
- Math Skills: calculation, estimation, and measurement.
- Thinking Skills: critical judgment.
In the early years of grade school, the emphasis is on developing a love for reality, the only basis for true knowledge. Teachers strive to direct the lesson in such a way that students are in contact with reality. Subjects that directly address this love for reality are the content area. The Religion classes cover the fundamental beliefs of Catholicism. The Social Studies Classes provide the intellectual basis for patriotism and solidarity. The Science class deals about the physical reality in which we live.
The skills and content at the grade school level is complemented by values education, foremost of which is the value of citizenship. Each subject area is taught in a way that integrates skills and content learning with the formation of human virtues.
Junior and Senior High School Goals
High school is a preparation for the University. The main goal of High school is growth in thinking skills: clarity, order, precision in thought; skills of analysis, comparison and contrast, judgment, and the capacity to reflect. The humanistic and scientific subjects are designed for these purposes. To further enhance the students’ intellectual formation, Latin subject is offered. An understanding of theology and philosophy provides the unifying elements for all knowledge and introduces the students to the acquisition of wisdom.
Student Evaluation Policy
Student learning of content concepts and skills is monitored and determined by their performance in assessments and performance tasks. Assessments are classified into:
Formative Assessment is characteristically informal and is intended to help students identify strengths and weaknesses in order to learn from the assessment process. Formative assessment results, however, are not included in the computation of the final grade.
Summative Assessment measures whether learners have met the content and performance standards. These assessments are recorded and used to report on the learners’ achievement.
Performance Task allows learners to show what they know and are able to do in diverse ways. They may create or innovate products, or do performance-based tasks.
Term Assessment measures student learning at the end of each term.